Trademark Registration Online in India. Don’t let others copy your unique business name.
Protect your Brand, Logo & Unique business name from duplicacy by register trademark in india. Have a unique identity for your business. Finlegalforte India can help you in Register trademark in India within a day.
A trademark can be a phrase, logo, design, and combination of colours or shapes etc, and that denotes the uniqueness of a brand or the product and differentiate from competitors. It is globally acknowledged trademark is the most valuable asset of a business. With a unique Trademark, customers can easily identify your products or services among various competitors’ products.
Trademark Registration Online? - How to Apply
Trademarks can be applied with the assistance of our highly experienced professionals while you sit back and relax.
You not just get a trademark registration online services but our experts continuously track your trademark application and update you time to time, can facilitate a detailed feasibility report on your trademark before applying by carrying thorough public trademark search and can also help you design a unique business logo.
Documents Required for Trademark Registration online
The Trademark Registration is registering of visual symbols which can be a word, name, device, label, digits, etc. Trademark registration in India helps the candidate or the trademark owner to safeguard his logo or trademark. Trademark registration also helps to evade duplication within the trademarks.
The easy way to get trademark registration done, involves the first step as “selecting a name then do a trademark search, after that file an application for the trademark registration”. Then fill the required documents like the name of the trademark or address. Then the application is examined after that the trademark is published in the Indian Trade Mark Journals. Lastly, the issuance of the trademark registration certificate.
The process to get trademark registration: Step 1: The first step is the choice of a trademark. Step 2: The applicant must search the trademark records registry and assures that the proposed trademark does not match or the same to the registered mark. Step 3: The search can be done online or by the trademark office. Step 4: It is advisable to discuss an experienced lawyer as they are well-versed in their profession and are being prepared to conduct an exhaustive search.
Every applicant including corporations will have to give the following documents to get a trademark registered: – “Address proof of the person or company registering for the trademark, a copy of the logo, certificate of partnership deed and ID proof of the person registering for the trademark”.
Trademark registrations are unique to the goods or services they describe. The registrations can be product or service-specific. Also, they are made under a Class of goods or services they signify. The trademark registration will, hence, be valid for the whole class of goods or services it describes.
Yes, the authorities mandate it for applicants to check all the documents they submit including the application for trademark registration by applying a Class III Digital signature. Our experts will help you e-verify all the documents in the correct way.
TRADEMARK Registration
Trademark Registration
Get hassle free Trademark Registration रु 999/Plus Govt fees